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Property Crime Statistics

Two interactive maps are available to viewers on the Winnipeg Police Service website. The Crime Map format features a rolling 12 month total, with a three month data lag to ensure accurate reporting. The Calls For Service format shows activity within the past 10 weeks. You can access statistics for any Winnipeg community on the Crime Map or Calls For Service format. Results are only accurate if residents report the occurrence. Please continue this practice. Anecdotal comments from neighbours suggest that property crimes have been increasing over the last 2 years in Earl Grey, but not so much in Ebby Wentworth. The Crime Maps for our area suggest the same. Homeowners can take steps to lessen the occurrence of property crimes. Here Is One Way WPS Community Safety Presentation Date - Sunday, May 26 from 2 to 4 PM Location - Earl Grey Community Centre Officers from the Community Relations Unit of the Winnipeg Police Service will present on personal safety for yourself and your property, including safety tips when travelling via bus or car. Best practices on scams, panhandlers, ATM banking and crime reporting will be discussed. Ample time is allotted for Q&A after the presentation. Something for everyone. You will be glad you came. DOOR PRIZES (courtesy of EGNSA and FOODFARE) 4 FOODFARE on Lilac food vouchers ($100 each) 2 “BLINK “ Doorbell cameras Please register in advance by email ( or phone (204) 477-1513 The number of attendees is helpful for presenters and organizers. Our sincere thanks to FOODFARE for donations of food vouchers.

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